It’s A Wrap: The FFFWeek Casting Tour Makes Its Final Stop

It's A WRAP!Welp, after traveling to five cities (including Canada) and racking up God only knows how many frequent flyer miles; Full Figured Fashion Week’s casting to has officially ended. This past Saturday, the tour came full circle as it wrapped in New York City. What better way to close than at home where the greatest numbers are recorded?

With the tour over, the hard work now begins. It is now Sharon Quinn’s job as casting director to select the girls that will go on “THE WALL!” For those of us who are Full Figured Fashion Week faithful, we know that whether you are selected or not, making it to the infamous “WALL” is an honor. Being one of the 100 models selected from 1000’s hailing from all over the world; yeah that is big.

Once “THE WALL” is established and reviewed that number will then be narrowed down to 50 by Gwen Devoe and there you have it…Your 2016 FFFWeek model lineup. On paper, it seems easy but trust and believe, it is far from it. The entire process would have me biting the nails I don’t have off.

A couple of days ago, I had the pleasure of having a little Q&A session with the Original Runway Diva, Sharon Quinn to get a better understanding of her job. Check out what she had to say.Moments from the Tampa casting for FFFWeek

Maui: In four words, describe what you are looking for when casting models for FFFWeek.

Sharon: Look, Walk, Confidence and Personality


Maui: Can you explain what is considered most when creating "THE WALL"?

Sharon: Your photographs… period. It is the ONLY thing that we have to remember you by. We put the top 100 on “The Wall” and we begin by eliminating the weakest photos.


Maui: How long does it take to make your final selections?

Sharon: Two weeks max, but a week and a half at the most is what I will probably need to get it down to the 100. We like to try to give the selected models enough time to prepare their travel arrangements and hotel accommodations if they are coming from out of town and also because we both have regular 9 to 5 jobs that we have to manage as well.


Well, I guess we will play the waiting game until the announcement is made. While we wait, lets flash back and share photos of some of the lovely women that came out in pursuit of their dreams.


Los Angeles





New York



Now you see why I see why I don’t envy them and this process?

So, who were some of the stand outs in your opinion? Which city do you think represented the best? Chime in ladies.